Fertile-Focus は、排卵を最大 72 時間前に予測する、手頃な価格の高品質の唾液ベースの不妊検査 (または個人用排卵顕微鏡) です。
Fertile-Focus を使用すると、毎月のサイクルを通じて唾液に生じる視覚的変化をテストおよび表示することで、最も妊娠しやすい日を特定できます。排卵の直前に、女性は「エストロゲンの急増」を経験し、ホルモンの変化により、唾液にシダのようなパターンがはっきりと見えるようになります. Fertile-Focus は、これらのクリスタルの「シダ」パターンを簡単に識別するために、最高品質で強力な倍率 50 倍のレンズを提供します。
Fertile-Focus は、品質、利便性、価格の点で顧客から最も人気のある製品としてランク付けされており、尿排卵検査の煩雑さと毎月の費用なしで正確さを提供します。
すべて自然で簡単に使用できる排卵顕微鏡法は、発表された研究によって裏付けられています (「研究」タブを参照)。妊娠しようとしている女性にとって、排卵顕微鏡検査は非常に正確な方法であることがわかっています.月経周期が規則的または不規則な女性に最適な Fertile-Focus は、受胎の可能性を高めるための自然で手頃な方法を提供します。
Fertile Focus を使用するには、舌の下からレンズに唾液を一滴垂らします。サンプルが乾燥したら (通常は 5 分以内)、LED ライト ボタンを押して、ラボ品質の拡大レンズを通して結果のパターンを表示します。排卵している場合、または排卵が近づいている場合は、明確な「シダ状」の結晶のようなパターンが見られます.これは、子作りのためにセックスをする時が来たことを示しています!
- 高品質 – 50 倍拡大の高品質レンズ。
- 明確で読みやすい結果。
- 無制限のテストに再利用可能、長持ちする交換可能なバッテリー。
- オールナチュラル、安全で衛生的。
- 耐久性のある金属製の口紅デザインのケースに慎重に梱包されています。
- 手間のかかる尿 LH 検査を行わなくても、5 分で簡単に結果が得られます。
Fertile-Focus is a personal ovulation microscope that allows you to predict ovulation – your most fertile time of the month to conceive. When a woman is about to ovulate, her saliva begins to form a distinct crystal, fern-like pattern due to an increase in hormone levels – as seen through Fertile-Focus. This “ferning” pattern begins to appear around 3 to 5 days prior to ovulation, allowing you to predict peak fertility.
Using Fertile-Focus Ovulation Microscope
With Fertile-Focus, PULL the lens from the tube and add a drop of saliva. Let the sample dry. In about five minutes, view the sample through the microscope. Press the LED light button and focus by turning the eyepiece of the microscope. If you are ovulating – or about to ovulate – a ferning, crystal-like pattern can be viewed. NOTE: Test first thing in the morning using a sublingual saliva sample (fresh from below the tongue). Do not test after eating, drinking, smoking, or brushing teeth.
Carefully remove the lens by pulling it out of the casing. Pull the lens – do not unscrew.
Place a drop of saliva on the surface of the lens. Try to avoid creating air bubbles.
Allow the saliva sample to dry for at least five minutes and replace the lens into the body of the microscope.
Look into the lens and push the light button to observe the test result. To focus, rotate the lens while bringing it close to the eye.
Interpreting Fertile-Focus Results
Not Fertile: Simple dot patterns and lines indicate no ovulation. You are not fertile at this time. |
Transitional: Small ferning patterns – or crystal forms – appear among the spots and lines. Ovulation may occur in 3-4 days. At this time, conception is possible, though not yet likely. |
Fertile: Strong ferning – or crystal – patterns dominate the sample. Ovulation is about to occur or already occurring. At this time, conception is likely. This is your most fertile time of the month. Conception is possible from between 5 days before to 24 hours after ovulation. |
For best results, test on a daily basis, preferably first thing in the morning before eating, drinking or brushing your teeth. Track each day’s results on a calendar or fertility chart. When you begin to see a ferning pattern, the onset of ovulation is approaching. This is the beginning of your most fertile time to conceive.
Understanding How Fertile-Focus Works
The science behind Fertile Focus is really quite simple in principle. As you approach the time of the month when you are most fertile, the level of the hormone estrogen increases in your body (see the blue line below). As the estrogen surge intensifies, so does the concentration of electrolytes (salinity) in your saliva. This is the cause of the crystal ferning patterns that indicate that you may be about to ovulate. By detecting changes in electrolytes in saliva – which are caused by an increase of the hormone estrogen – you can learn when you are most likely to conceive a baby!
The Blue Line represents the hormone estrogen that increases in your body before you ovulate – and causes the ferning patterns viewable in dry saliva samples. As the blue line rises, indicating an estrogen surge, so increases the intensity of ferning patterns, indicating that ovulation is about to take place – or is already taking place.
Notice how the blue line increases earlier than the green line? The green line is LH – or luteinizing hormone. LH ovulation (urine) tests tell you when you are going to ovulate just a day or two before ovulation happens. Fertile Focus can alert you to when you will ovulate up to several days before peak fertility!
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