Digestive system making you feel sluggish? Start by taking Metamucil Multi-Health Fiber Powder every day to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down*, so you feel lighter and more energetic**. Metamucil is the only leading brand made with Psyllium Fiber^, a plant-based fiber that helps promote digestive health*. It also helps you control appetite*, maintain healthy blood sugar levels*, and lower cholesterol. See how one small change can lead to good things!
Feel What Lighter Feels Like
Metamucil works by by trapping and removing the waste that weighs you down by making Metamucil a part of your daily fiber routine.* Removing this waste helps make you feel lighter and more energetic**.
Taking Metamucil every day helps you maintain healthy blood sugar levels* and helps you lower your cholesterol.†
Plant-based Natural Psyllium Fiber
The plant-based psyllium fiber in Metamucil helps curb your appetite so you feel less hungry between meals.* Metamucil is the only leading brand that contains plant-based psyllium fiber^ that helps promote digestive health and regularity.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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